After you’ve configured the connection for one server, you will need to manually invoke the connection wizard to add additional servers.

Even if it were, graphical software requires the capabilities of a modern machine for reasonable performance. This is because the freenx server software is unavailable for SunOS 4.1.4. It does not work on the old SunOS 4.1.4 server.

This works on all of our Linux shell servers. With a DSL or cable modem connection, nx comes real close to physically being at the console.

The No Machine client allows you to have a full graphical desktop securely over any connection. There are a variety of ways Eskimo’s shell servers can be accessed graphically. Unless you already have the 3.5 client, please use one of the alternative NX clients, 4.x player, FreeNX, OpenNX, Remmina with NX Plugin, or QNX. No Machine has discontinued the 3.5 Client except for paid customers.