In recent articles we’ve seen how adversaries can gain initial access to a network utilizing Office Macro Attacks, and how Responder can be used to steal credentials, escalate privileges and move laterally in a network.

Quakbot Strikes with QuakNightmare Exploitation.A Virtual Baffle to Battle SquirrelWaffle.CyOps Important Security Update: Campaign Targeting Italian Organizations & Entities.Shelob Moonlight – Spinning a Larger Web.China Chopper Observed in Recent MS Exchange Server Attacks.Here We Go Again – A New Emotet banking trojan Wave Observed by Cynet.SUNBURST Backdoor C2 Communication Protocol.When a Sunburst Turns Supernova – A Recent Solarigate Development.Emotet vs Trump – Deep Dive Analysis of a Killer Info-Stealer.Threat Research Report: Clipbanker - 13 Second Attack.Malware Evolution - Analyzing LockBit 2.0.Threat Detection Report: Wastedlocker Ransomware.Ransomware Attacks in Belgium - Analysis & Protection.Cynet Detection Report: Ragnar Locker Ransomware.

Cynet Detection Report: Maze Ransomware.What Are LOLBins and How Do Attackers Use Them in Fileless Attacks?.Powershell Obfuscation Demystified Series Chapter 3: Gootkit.Powershell Obfuscation Demystified Series Chapter 2: Concatenation and Base64 Encoding.Powershell Obfuscation Demystified Series Chapter 1: Intro.API Hooking - Tales from a Hacker’s Hook Book.User Account Control – Overview and Exploitation.How Hackers Use ICMP Tunneling to Own Your Network.How Hackers Use DNS Tunneling to Own Your Network.

LLMNR & NBT-NS Poisoning and Credential Access using Responder.