The primary purpose of designing such a system is to ensure that the information provider (ISP/Websites/Website owner) can’t trace the people browsing the deep web, by an ISP provider or any other third-party. onion websites by requesting through Tor Network. But specially designed proxy software (Tor browser is most widely used) applications like web browsers can access. onion TLD doesn’t exist in Internet DNS root. Onion addresses don’t have actual DNS names. onion is a particular top level domain suffix that indicates an anonymous hidden service on the Tor Network. You can find deep web sites only with deep web search engines, deep web link directories, Reddit, or random comments on social medai and other platforms. These tor websites are not like normal sites so you can’t access them with regular browsers, neither can you Google them.

onion sites are those websites on the dark web which are designed to offer anonymous hidden services over the Tor network and are only accessible with dark web browsers such as the Tor Browser. onion sites are, and the major points security precautions you should be taking care of when browsing Tor Network with Tor Browser and how to access onion websites. Want to know how to access onion sites? Or maybe you’re searching for step by step tutorials? If your answer is yes, you’ll love this guide.